Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas 2008

Merry Christmas!!
Hard to believe that in a week, we will have had Maiah in our family for 2 years. We are reminded everyday of the gift that God has given us in her. She has had quite a Christmas season...participating in a school play, a church play, a You Tube debut, much baking and cookie decorating and many parties...even in the midst of the busyness.....Maiah truly understands the Reason for the Season:) We have posted some photos in the photo section...hope you enjoy and we pray you have had a blessed Christmas surrounded by family, friends and the love of Christ and we wish you a Happy and Healthy new year.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

How time flies........

Wow, I did not realize how long it has been since our last update. All is very well here expect for the fact that Daddy is deployed and we miss him very much. Maiah is just one of the kids now..... We forget that she has only been home for 18 months, seems like forever. She is still growing like a weed. She is 42.5 inches tall and weighs about 46 lbs. Lets just say she is all caught up:) She is a little stubborn but cute as can be. She also has a desire to learn like neither of our other 2 kids at 4. She just graduated from her preschool class and will start school with Nathan and Kaytlin in the fall. She is very excited about attending the same school as her brother and sister. Her favorite show on TV is Discovery Health....Birthday!! She wakes up and asks to watch babies being born....this is the only show she ever asks to watch. She is now doing c-sections on her dolls and me. We have multiple births all the time.....and Kaytlin gets sick to her stomach over breakfast quite often. Maiah is into all the bloody details......poor Kate:(
Maiah lets us know all the time that she is a big girl now......she will do gymnastics in the fall and is enjoying the family pool, Busch Gardens and Water Country for the summer. She is still swimming like a fish.....she has had swimmers ear 4 times now but nothing will stop her from getting in the water.....

Our princess is very excited about a brother or sister coming home and sharing her room, she would not have it any other way. She wants to share everything, her dolls, barbies and dresses too.......I pray for the little boy that comes to our family:) God Bless him and he better like to play with dolls:)

Well, I am also posting some new I hope you take a look and enjoy....
Thank you for "still" sharing in the blessing of our adoption journey.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Happy New Year/1st Anniversary Home

Happy New Year!!! It was great to celebrate New Years this year as a family in the United States with some dear friends....but we will never forget New Years in Seoul, South Korea last year, on our way to Mongolia!!! God is so awesome and we look forward to all that He has for us in 2008. Hopefully, another trip to Mongolia:) It was certainly an amazing year and if you would like to share in our first year with Maiah....please click on the video in the links section. I wish that the song was longer as there are so many friends and family that did not make the video, however each one of you has contributed to the love and affection that Maiah has felt since joining our family. We pray blessings to you and yours in 2008!!! We love you all.
